What is the best read if you want to know more about the heart? There are many books on the market from professors and doctors. We found these five books highly recommended.
Erik Scherder and Leonard Hofstra: Heart for your brain
The heart does not stand alone, it is strongly linked to the brain. Exercise professor Erik Scherder and cardiologist Leonard Hofstra explain exactly how this works and why more exercise is so good for
your head and for your heart.
260 pp., ed. Athenaeum, €22.50
Order ‘Heart for your brain’ here.
Janneke Wittekoek and Dorenda van Dijken: Heart & Hormones
Hormones protect the woman’s heart in childbearing age. After the transition, that protection decreases. Cardiologist Janneke Wittekoek and gynecologist Dorenda van Dijken want to make women aware of their bodies and show them how to age healthily.
167 pp., ed. Air, €20
Sandeep Jauhar: The Heart
Did you know that the doctor who invented cardiac catheterization used himself as a guinea pig? Dangerous, but it did earn Werner Forssmann the Nobel Prize. The American cardiologist Sandeep Jauhar collected many more exciting stories in this book. A few years old, but still highly recommended.
336 pp., ed. Thomas Rap, €24.99
Annemieke Janssen and Joris Vermeulen: Heart for your body
Cardiologist Annemieke Janssen and her sister have already written two cookbooks with heart-friendly recipes. In her new book, she explains clearly about the health effects of everyday foods such as tea, garlic and dark vegetables.
Order ‘Heart for your body’ here.
240 pp., Fontaine Publishers, €19.99
Akke-Jeanne Klerk: Psychology of a broken heart
A broken relationship, the death of a loved one and a big disappointment can break your heart. Psychologist and coach Akke-Jeanne Klerk gives advice with which you can convert that feeling into personal growth.
Order ‘Psychology of a broken heart’ here
192 pp., ed. Ankh Hermes, €20
This article appears in the new ‘Heart’ guide to be published in June 2021. In this you can read everything about having and keeping a healthy heart. Order the guide here for only €9.95. With free shipping.