When it comes to slimming drainage, which plants are our best allies? We present our 10 favorite candidates who exert actions on the liver, kidneys, lymph or legs. These are the best plants against water retention.
a slimming drainer is a solution that improves the metabolism, increases the circulation of water in the body and cleanses it thoroughly. Some plants have exactly the same properties diuretics and drainage.
These draining plants exert actions on several organs (or members) such as the liver, kidneys, lymph and legs.
We can recommend, three or four times a year (in fact, at the end of each season), to cleanse your body to allow it to function optimally. You don’t necessarily need to buy products if you use these natural drainers to take in herbal tea, infusion or liquid supplementation.
How do plants work against water retention?
By following a small draining treatment (about ten days), we will eliminate excess water, dead cells (or those that are useless) but also toxic residues trapped in the body. We will thus refine its silhouette and find a perfectly healthy body.
Every organ in the body requires a specific drainage. Thus, one can support the drainage of the kidneys with certain preparations based on dandelion and nettle. And for the liver, we prefer to absorb a draining drink made from black radish or dandelion.
The main action of plants on the liver and kidneys is to accelerate natural filtration of these organs as well as the volume of urine to avoid water retention. This is why, when taking draining plants, do not hesitate to drink a lot, at least 2.5 l / day.
This practice allows you to eliminate a few calories per day, but beware: the slimming effect will be very limited if the diet is not healthy and if you do not do any physical activity.
The top-10 plants against water retention
1- Orthosiphon
Native to Indonesia and parts of the tropics of Australia, orthosiphon (or “Java tea”) is a perennial plant 30 to 90 cm tall. Orthosiphon leaves have a diuretic activity and have an anti-inflammatory action on the urinary tract.
In addition to this, the orthosiphon promotes the mobilization of fats and their elimination, improving the secretion of bile and its evacuation. No wonder he is considered a excellent slimming drainer.
Orthosiphon contains a significant amount of potassium salt, antioxidants, flavonoids and polyphenols. These are the dried leaves of orthosiphon that are used in herbal medicine. Orthosiphon-based products can be taken as an infusion, powder, liquid extracts or capsules.
2- Dandelion
Widely distributed in Europe, North America and Africa, the dandelion is often considered a weed. What a mistake ! The dandelion is also (and above all) a remarkable slimming drainer with recognized detoxifying properties.
Raw, dandelion is rich in vitamins B6, B9 and C and is also a source of iron and potassium. It’s the leaf vegetable which contains the most polyphenols, a very good antioxidant. It also has an anti-inflammatory, anti-anemic power and could help fight against the development of cancer cells.
The dandelion root is used as a coffee substitute, like chicory. In herbal medicine, its dried leaves are consumed in capsules, in an infusion or in a liquid solution.
3- Black radish
Native to southern Asia and cultivated for more than 5,000 years, black radish is first coveted for its roots with a very bitter flavor. It contributes to drain the liver and increase bile secretion, resulting in better elimination of toxins. It is the slimming drainer par excellence.
Black radish is a source of potassium, iodine, vitamin B9, vitamin C and is low in fat. It also contains antiseptic and antibacterial substances. It soothes bloating, stimulates appetite, aids digestion, and is used to treat certain respiratory conditions. In herbal medicine, it is the root juice that we use.
4- Blackcurrant leaves
Native to temperate regions of Europe, blackcurrant is easily found in the wild with its small fragrant red or black berries. It is particularly rich in fibers and trace elements (pectin, vitamin C, vitamin E) and it has the property of strengthening the joints and softening the ligaments.
The blackcurrant leaves, as for them, have always been known to be powerful diuretics; they are good remedies for water retention. They promote drainage and improve venous circulation. They also have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral properties.
In herbal medicine, the finely ground powder of blackcurrant leaves is used in capsules or in liquid form.
5- Meadowsweet
The meadowsweet, native to Europe, can reach almost 1.5 m in height. Considered as a slimming drainer, it helps fight against cellulite and promotes renal elimination and slimming. It also protects against vulnerabilities related to winter illnesses.
Meadowsweet contains flavonoids, sugars, vitamin C, iron, calcium, sulfur and vanillin. It is one of the favorite flowers of bees.
Meadowsweet flowers are used for their analgesic properties (joint pain, dental pain, rheumatism, headaches). Its leaves (sometimes its roots) are mainly used in herbal medicine.
6- Papaya
Papaya is an exotic fruit with orange flesh native to America, the tree of which can reach up to 7 m in height. It is known to aid digestion but these are especially its seeds which are useful in the case of slimming drainage.
They are valuable for purifying the liver and they have the property of absorbing excess fat and sugar. Papaya seeds are therefore very popular in herbal medicine, as is the case with its flesh and leaves.
The papaya has many other health benefits: it improves vision, increases the immune system and reduces the risk of cancer. Papaya also protects the heart and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Papaya contains fiber, water, flavonoids and enzymes. It is also rich in lycopene, calcium, phosphorus, iron, papain, thiamine, niacin and vitamin C, vitamin B5 and vitamin E.
7- Piloselle
Also called “hawkweed”, piloselle is a perennial grassy plant with woolly hairs and yellow flowers, common in temperate regions of Europe, Asia and North America.
First recognized for its draining activity, piloselle is also used for its antibacterial and expectorant properties. In terms of other health benefits, pilosella promotes wound healing, rebalances blood pressure and relieves various digestive problems.
Dried piloselle is particularly well supplied with polyphenols and flavonoids. It contains glucosides, tannins, mucilage and manganese. In herbal medicine, dried flowers of piloselle are used as an infusion. They come in the form of mother tincture, tablets or capsules.
On the other hand, piloselle is feared by farmers because of its strong herbicidal power.
8- Cherry tail
The cherry stems used in herbal medicine are cherry stems that come from the sour cherry, a shrub easily found in Europe. Cherry tail is known for its draining effect and detoxifying properties: it is one of the effective remedies against water retention.
It helps fight against weight gain and certain urinary disorders. No wonder it is perceived as an exceptional slimming drainer.
We also appreciate the cherry tail for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity and in case of arthritic problems. It contains tannins, potassium salts, flavonoids, vitamin C and melatonin.
It is not consumed as it is but is used to prepare infusions and other decoctions. It is also found in the composition of food supplements dedicated to detoxification.
9- Fennel
Fennel is a plant recognized for its medicinal properties and its use as condiments and its root is a powerful slimming drainer. Indeed, the root of fennel is appreciated for its draining, diuretic and depurative virtues. It is one of the effective remedies against water retention.
Fennel is antispasmodic, it treats digestive disorders and inflammation of the respiratory tract. Rich in flavonoids and phytoestrogens, it contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and fiber. Its active principle anethole is antibacterial, antimycotic.
In cooking, it brings an anise and fresh flavor that goes easily with other vegetables, but in herbal medicine, it is used as an infusion or in the form of essential oil.
10- Artichoke
The artichoke is as appreciated for its leaves as for its refined heart. In cooking, the part that is consumed is the flower bud of the plant, but in herbal medicine, it is the leaves of the artichoke which are used in infusion or in the form of a food supplement.
The artichoke has real draining properties : it promotes secretion of bile and is a remedy for water retention. In fact, it is able to relieve digestive and hepatic disorders. Besides, it helps lower blood cholesterol levels, treats nausea and even hangovers.
Rich in antioxidants, artichoke leaf contains potassium and is very rich in fiber and vitamin B9.
You know of other remedies for water retention. Or you have successfully tried natural slimming drainers which are not in our selection, be nice and let us benefit in the comments …