It is possible to reduce the number of blood transfusions during operations without putting patients at risk. With many benefits for everyone.
Surgical departments could be stricter on blood transfusions. According to a trial of nearly 5,000 patients, not using it systematically has two advantages. There is no more risk to the life of the patients. And that would allow hospitals to save money.
So far, it was not clear. Could we restrict blood transfusions during heart surgery operations without putting patients at risk? Medical researchers at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, Canada, have found an answer, unveiled at the American Heart Association conference and published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
A controlled study of 5,000 operated
For this, two methods, used on 5243 operated patients with a moderate to high risk of death. The restrictive method advocated transfusion only in cases of hemoglobin level below 7.5 grams per deciliter of blood. And the other, standard, indicated a transfusion from a hemoglobin level below 9.5 grams per deciliter.
Result: the group having benefited from the restrictive transfusion method did not have more cardiovascular complications (heart attack, renal failure, myocardial infarction, death) than the other. We can therefore reduce the indications for blood transfusions during heart operations of course, but also others.
Multiple benefits
The results of this study are beneficial in several ways. First of all, this attitude poses no cardiovascular risk to patients and they are also less exposed to the risks associated with blood transfusion: infections, pulmonary edema, or side effects such as hives, fever or respiratory problems. .
And for hospitals, it could save them money. These savings could run into millions of dollars just for the trial performed on these 5,243 patients. Blood is a very precious resource. Sometimes too rare. For example, in France, the numerous blood donation campaigns bear witness to this during the year. Especially during the summer holidays, when people think less about donating.
Restricting blood transfusions would therefore be beneficial for everyone. Patients, Economy, hospitals.