Summer vacation has begun for many. Dr Jean Tafazzoli and Dr Vincent OEillet, co-founders of the platform, explain the simple gestures that allow you to properly take care of summer health concerns.
Why doctor – What to do in case of sunburn and how to avoid it?
Dr Jean Tafazzoli and Dr Vincent Carnation – To enjoy the benefits of the sun and its benefits only, prevention requires exposure gradually outside the hottest hours, between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m., with the wearing of clothing, sunglasses sun and a protective hat. The application of a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 50 is also recommended. Be careful, be careful with the reverberation: once in the water, continue to protect yourself because nothing stops the ultraviolet rays, and the water reflects the rays!
If the skin becomes red and painful, the sunburn has set in. In this case, apply a fatty substance to the skin: especially no food oil, but rather aloe vera, known for its soothing properties. If large blisters appear on the skin (or blisters), this means that the skin has been burned in the second degree. In this case, medical consultation is urgently needed.
How to treat a sprain?
Summer is often synonymous with adventure. We want to move, to discover the region of our holidays, to go hiking or to survey the coastal paths. But it is without thinking that we are emerging from a long period of hibernation and that the ankles are not always ready for these sporting impulses. So beware of the sprain in case of false movements!
The treatment of the sprain is based on the respect of the RGCE protocol (rest, ice, compression, elevation):
A: Total rest recommended.
G: Ice, by applying cold. This will relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and cause the area to deflate.
C: Compression of the ankle with an ankle brace to hold it at 90°. Squeezing will help reduce swelling.
E: Elevation of the leg to promote blood circulation, then prevent twinges and throbbing of blood which can be very unpleasant.
If the person is unable to get up or walk, seek immediate medical attention or emergency care.
Can a simple insect bite lead to consulting a doctor?
In summer, you can be a victim of mosquito bites, wasps, ticks or spiders. Most of the time benign, they can be more serious in the event of an allergic reaction.
If the bite is particularly extensive, the skin becomes red and swollen, consult: the doctor will recommend a hydrocortisone-based cream. Watch carefully in the event of a tick bite if large red circles appear: these are inflammatory halos, called erythema migrans, which can appear several days after the bite. In this case, medical consultation is mandatory.
Same question about jellyfish stings?
Contact with a jellyfish causes painful stinging lesions, but rarely serious, except in people with allergies.
In case of contact during swimming, it is advisable to rinse the affected area with sea water (in no case with fresh water which could release more venom), then rub with hot sand. Immediately disinfect the wound with soap and water or an antiseptic solution.
Consult a doctor in the event of a sting on the face or an allergic reaction (particularly respiratory discomfort). If the burning sensation persists after 48 hours, consult a doctor there too, who may prescribe a corticosteroid cream.
In the summer, urinary tract infections bother women even more than usual. What do you advise them?
Summer is a particularly good time for cystitis. To avoid a urinary tract infection, you must adopt the right actions:
– Drink a liter and a half of water a day, because the urinary flow reduces the bacterial load of the bladder.
– Prefer cranberry juice, because it has compounds such as proanthocyanidins that prevent bacteria from clinging to the urinary walls and therefore causing infection.
– Go to the toilet as soon as the urge arises, it is important not to hold back.
– Make your intimate toilet with a mild soap.
If painful symptoms emerge, such as burning of the urethra, tension in the bladder… the crisis is established. It is then necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe a treatment based on antibiotics.