The Haute Autorité de Santé takes stock of the rehabilitation of stroke victims in France.
- Despite the efforts made since the implementation of the stroke plan (2010-2014), access to quality care remains insufficient and unequal in the territory.
- According to the HAS, improvements are still necessary in the support of people in post-stroke.
- One year after the shock, the victims of AVC preserve in 40% of the cases sequelae of various gravity and in 25% of the heavy sequelae.
- 750,000 stroke survivors currently live in France.
In a new note, the HAS (High Authority for Health) evaluates the care of people who have suffered a stroke (cerebrovascular accident) in France. “Despite the efforts made since the implementation of the stroke plan (2010-2014), access to quality care remains insufficient and unequal in the territory, and improvements are still necessary in the support of people in post-stroke. , in Aftercare and Rehabilitation as in town”, observe the experts.
“Taking patient preferences into account”
The HAS also recommends “develop multidisciplinary practice and the use of mobile teams”. It should also be better “taking into account the preferences of the patient and his entourage, at all stages of the rehabilitation process”.
Stroke is a major risk factor for addiction, representing the first cause of non-traumatic disability and the second cause of dementia. One year after the shock, the victims of AVC preserve in 40% of the cases sequelae of various gravity and in 25% of the heavy sequelae. For example, we are talking here about motor deficit, language disorders, sensory disorders, visual disorders or even depression.
“In favor of multidisciplinary practices”
After the acute phase of stroke, “all patients should benefit from a rehabilitation program adapted to their needs”, say the experts. Rehabilitation can significantly reduce mortality, as well as promote recovery, independence and return home. “In addition, the organization of care has an influence on the results, which are significantly in favor of multidisciplinary and coordinated practices, regardless of the severity of the stroke”. estimates the HAS.
In France, the number of new stroke cases is estimated at approximately 140,000 per year, or 1 stroke every 4 minutes. 750,000 stroke survivors currently live in France.