A survey shows that only 11% of men from 21 developed countries who have an extramarital relationship are forced to use a condom by their partner.
Only 11% of men enrolled in Victoria Milan, one of the online platforms for people seeking extramarital affairs, report that women they are having an affair with make them wear a condom. Although it is one of the 10 mandatory conditions imposed by women before taking action, it is therefore not the most important.
“This percentage surprised us incredibly. This 11% was calculated on a total of 21 developed countries where people are aware of the importance of protecting themselves during their sexual relations, especially when it comes to extramarital affairs, in order to protect against sexually transmitted diseases “, worries Sigurd Vedal, founder and CEO of Victoria Milan.
Use protection during all sex
According to the results of his survey, Scandinavian countries such as Norway, Denmark and Sweden are among the regions most aware of the consequences of unprotected sex. Respectively 21%, 20% and 16% of the men who took part in the survey confirmed that their mistresses ask them to use a condom during their sexual intercourse.
Countries like the Czech Republic (15%), the United States (14%), Germany (12%), the United Kingdom (11%), France (11%), Australia (11%) ), Italy (10%) Finland (10%), Ireland (10%) and South Africa (10%) are in the middle of the ranking.
“We believe it is important to stress the importance of using protection during all sex and, on this World Sexual Health Day, we would like to remind women who have relationships with married or engaged men. relationship to never forget to ask them to wear a condom, “continues Sigurd Vedal.
Diagnoses of Chlamydia and Gonococcal Infection
In 2016, the number of people diagnosed with a Chlamydia infection was estimated at 267,097, i.e. a rate of 491 per 100,000 inhabitants in France, according to the last survey of Public Health France. Young women aged 15-24 are the most affected, especially in Ile-de-France and in the Overseas Departments.
In addition, the data show that the number of diagnoses of Chlamydia and gonococcal infections in 2016 was multiplied by 3 compared to the estimates for 2012. These pathologies, which are transmitted during unprotected sex, are very contagious and can cause serious complications (chronic pelvic pain, infertility, weakening of the mucous membranes and increased risk of HIV infection, mother-to-child transmission, etc.).
Increased incidence of STIs
“The sharp increase in diagnoses of these infections observed in 2016 may be due to several factors. It can be explained first of all by an underestimation of cases diagnosed in 2012 but also by an intensification of screening and improvement of the sensitivity of the tests used and finally, by the increase in the incidence of these STIs themselves “, specifies Florence Lot, head of the HIV / AIDS, hepatitis B and C, STI unit at Public Health France.
Concerning more particularly HIV, for which no treatment has been completed to date, the latest report from Onusida recalls that new infections are on the increase in some fifty countries. In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the annual number of new HIV infections has doubled over the past two decades.
Globally, HIV infections have declined by only 18% over the past seven years, from 2.2 million in 2010 to 1.8 million in 2017. Although this figure is almost half of the number of new infections compared to 1996 when the number was highest (3.4 million), the decline is not fast enough to meet the target of fewer than 500,000 new HIV infections by 2020.