Delicious and healthy, here’s how to make Spiced ginger tea

© Chantal Voets
Practical information
- Total time: 5 min
- Preparation time: 5 min
- Number of people: 1
- Difficulty: Easy
- Cost: Economical
- Type of cooking: Slow cooking
- Type: Dessert
- Category: Beverage
- Nutritional criteria: Anti-cholesterol, Antidiabetes, Antioxidant, Low calories, Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Egg-free,
- Fill a teapot with water and add the spices.
- Let steep before serving.
Recipe by Chantal Voets taken from Eat well, feel good, Amanprana’s cuisine.
Health tips
Do you have a cold? Drink ginger tea!
Do you have nausea? Drink … yes yes, … ginger tea!
Is it freezing cold and you have to face the cold? Take a ginger tea, it comforts and it warms the heart!