A drink that makes you as euphoric as alcohol without making you sick? You dreamed of it and a prominent British researcher almost did. Dr David Nutt, director of the Neuropsychopharmacology Unit at Imperial College London, claims to have found the solution to the dangers of alcohol.
The revolutionary idea of Dr. Nutt is an antidote that allows you to remove all the deleterious effects associated with an excess of alcohol: hangover, risk of addiction, toxicity on the liver, heart and brain.
One can imagine that revelers who have drunk enough alcohol to feel the feeling drunk end their evening by swallowing a miracle pill to return to work the next day fresh like roaches.
Another avenue imagined by the researcher, drinks mixed with specific substances that make it possible to reproduce the sympathetic effects of alcohol without having to chain glasses. Dr Nutt experienced this: “After taking one of these substances I felt relaxed and slightly drunk for an hour but within minutes of taking the antidote I was back up and running. and gave a lecture without any difficulty, ”he said in a column published in the Guardian.
Finance research
Before proposing these inventions, Dr. Nutt identified different chemical compounds that release the pleasant effects of alcohol (euphoria, relaxation, sociability) without being toxic.
Magic hangover pill and synthetic alcohol, two interesting ideas. What are we waiting for to develop them? Professor Nutt’s enthusiasm hangs over funding. If it finds a buyer, the antidote and “synthetic alcohol” could be on the market within two years.
There is no doubt that the discovery of Dr Nutt, criticized for having claimed that taking ecstasy was as dangerous as horse riding, will provoke many reactions. Skeptics should step up to the plate. Not to mention manufacturers worried about the emergence of a serious competitor to alcohol, in the same way that electronic cigarettes annoy tobacco manufacturers.