Young skin and wrinkle free through effective treatment … a possibility for future generations? Probably, according to the results of a study published in the medical journal Journal of Investigative Dermatology. An enzyme of the youth of the skin has been identified by researchers. Results obtained in vitro to be confirmed in vivo.
Researchers at the University of Newcastle (UK) analyzed the activity of the mitochondrial complex II enzyme in 27 human cells of different ages, from 6 to 72 years old. This enzyme is thought to be responsible for the aging of the skin. The decrease in its activity promotes the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin with age. Restoring it would make it possible to fight against wrinkles.
The path to new therapies
Techniques have been used to measure the activities of key enzymes in the mitochondria that are involved in the production of energy in the skin cell. The researchers found that the complex activity of this enzyme decreased dramatically with age. It is for this reason that the quantity of enzymatic protein decreases and that the effects of aging appear.
This new information may lead to a better understanding of how other organs in the body age, which could pave the way for new therapies for a number of age-related diseases, including Cancer.
“We now have a specific target for the development of anti-aging treatments and cosmetic creams that can counter this decline in bio-energy,” explains Prof. Mark Birch-Machin, University of Newcastle.
While these conclusions are encouraging, they need to be validated in vivo with large-scale clinical trials.
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