The Google Pixel 7 will be unveiled later this year, but someone mysteriously already managed to sell one. At least, it seems so.
Before a product appears on the market, it takes months, years, sometimes decades to test everything properly. An important aspect of those tests is using a product to remove imperfections. Sometimes you just do that in public. That a tester from Google just uses a Pixel 7, which has not yet been fully unveiled and released, on a daily basis. At least, ex-tester, we think after the person in question wanted to sell a Google Pixel 7 on eBay.

Selling Google Pixel 7 on eBay
Incidentally, the fact that it is a tester is an assumption, because we don’t know anything for sure. What we do know for sure is that there has an ad on eBay in which someone claims to be selling a Google Pixel 7. However, it is added that it is a prototype and the regular Pixel, not the Pro. Of course, that’s not the strange thing about this eBay ad.

No, the strange thing is that someone (so it could be a Google insider or Google negligence picked up by a random person) can already sell a Google Pixel 7 right now. It is unknown what happened to the ad. The eBay ad has been taken offline and there is nothing on it. It was an auction with 0 bids.

What makes the whole thing even weirder is that the photo of the Google Pixel 7 for sale was taken with a… Pixel 7 Pro! Google has not released much news about the new Pixel, but that in terms of appearance, the camera island is where the differences between Pro and regular sit. So the person in question has multiple Pixel 7s at his or her disposal. All pretty shady.

According to The Verge, where there has been contact with the seller, the seller is said to have bought the phones (both an already sold Pixel 7 Pro and a regular Pixel 7) without knowing they were Pixel 7s. That seems weird. In any case, it doesn’t get any clearer than that.