While young women and young adult men seem receptive to devices for fight against smoking, the most disadvantaged people are still inveterate smokers, according to the results of the 2016 Health Barometer survey, presented in the Weekly Bulletin of the Institute for Public Health Surveillance which calls on the public authorities to target this niche of the population in the countryside anti tobacco.
The survey was carried out among more than 15,000 people in mainland France aged 15 to 75 years. “In France, in 2016, 34.5% of 15-75 year olds smoked tobacco, 28.7% daily. Figures which have been stable since 2010, after the increase observed between 2005 and 2010, ”according to the BEH, which is however concerned about maintaining such a level.
Thanks to measures to combat smoking (neutral package, ban on smoking in public places and restaurants), men aged 25-34 smoke less (from 47.9% to 41.4%) as well as women from 15-24 years (from 30.0% to 25.2%). But, the prevalence of daily smoking increased from 35.2% to 37.5% among lower income earners, while it decreased from 23.5 to 20.9% among lower income earners. income of the highest bracket.
The use of electronic cigarettes in France
In 2016, 3.3% of 15-75 year olds used the electronic cigarette, 2.5% daily, lower rates compared to 2014, for men and women. But, the level of experimentation remains stable. In 2014, testing e-cigarettes remained more frequent in 2016 among smokers (54.4%) than among non-smokers (8.5%). Today, 41.2% of daily vapers are ex-smokers, a figure up 23% from 2014.
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