Bridge, crown, inlay-core … As many dental prosthesis the installation of which can hurt the wallet, depending on the city where you live. Review 60 million consumers examined the prices for dental care practiced in 40 French cities based on the price data posted online by the Health Insurance for the main prosthetic care. The observation is clear: the disparities are striking in terms of prices with price differences of up to 30% from one city to another, according to the review. The magazine takes the example of the installation of a ceramic-metal crown, the type of crown widely used, to illustrate the phenomenon: “the most frequent price of this act in Nîmes, the cheapest of the forty cities in our sample, is 519 €, while in Paris, it stands at 704 €. That is to say more than 30% of difference between the two cities “, underline the authors of the survey published in the February edition of 60 Millions of consumers.
Where should we go in France to pay the less “salty” bill for dental prostheses? The lowest prices are practiced in the Great West (Pays-de-la-Loire and Brittany). Conversely, it is (unsurprisingly) in the Paris region and in certain large cities around the Mediterranean that prices rise the most.
The “remainder at zero load”, a measure in the pipes?
Coverage by the Social Security does not change much: the installation of a ceramic-metal crown is only reimbursed up to € 75.25 (or 70% of € 107.50) by the “Sécu “, recalls the survey. If mutual funds and complementary health insurance reimburse these acts differently, this coverage rarely includes the entire amount paid by the patient.
This unequal situation which raises the question of access to care must be on the menu of consultations initiated by the Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, further specifies the review. This pleads for full coverage of certain treatments, including dental care (“remains at zero charge”for certain social insureds). While waiting to know the outcome of this campaign promise by Emmanuel Macron, 60 million consumers invite to “take the time to compare prices before engaging” dental care.
[#ResteAChargeZéro] : I no longer want the French to give up healthcare for financial reasons. We will offer a basket of necessary and quality care that will be fully covered. They will meet medical needs and a legitimate social expectation
– Agnes Buzyn (@agnesbuzyn) January 23, 2018
Dental prostheses: it hurts… in the wallet! Our study on dentists’ rates
– 60million (@ 60million) January 25, 2018
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