Giving birth to stillborn triplets is an unnamed trauma. To this tragedy Mégane Baltes had to endure another ordeal. The Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM) ordered the 23-year-old woman to reimburse an overpayment of 845 euros in allowances of maternity leave. the Saône-et-Loire newspaper which reports the information explains the origin of this administrative muddle: the young woman would have benefited from daily allowances for maternity, while she should have been compensated for illness. However, the problem would not have arisen if Mégane had undergone its miscarriages at five months (22 weeks pregnant) … However, the young woman lost her babies at 21 weeks and six days. “According to them, I gave birth one day too early, Mégane indignant at the local newspaper. I consider that a total injustice!”
The court of social security cases seized
Mégane decided to contest this reimbursement request from the Saône-et-Loire CPAM and the latter has since recognized its administrative blunder and made its mea culpa, as shown in this tweet. “We deplore our lack of empathy and we have already proposed mediation with a view to a humanly acceptable solution.”
Problem, the meditation can not take place because of the protest process of Mégane. It is up to the Social Security business court to decide on this file according to the Journal de Saône-et-Loire. A public hearing was to take place on October 11, but Mégane’s lawyer obtained the referral of the case at a later date.
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