Public Health France launched a web campaign on the first few times, and enriched its site with new content. What to decomplex some teenagers.
First emotions, first kisses, first relationships…, the “first times” raise a number of questions among adolescents. This moment is often fueled by many received ideas. This is why the new government agency Public health France aims to promote the positive entry of young people into sexuality.
In recent days, it has launched a new web campaign on “first times” and enriched its site with new content., who has become a referent for adolescents. Evidenced by the list of testimonials from young people on the platform.
Yououtubers testify
“Our one-sex system expresses, by providing information to adolescents, by giving them the means to exercise their critical sense vis-à-vis the standards in matters of sexuality imposed on them (performance, uniformity of bodies, pleasure, etc.) , gives them the means to protect themselves and to gain autonomy and satisfaction during their first sexual experiences ”, explains in a press release Prof. François Bourdillon, director of Public health France.
With his YouTube channel, which has more than 6 million views, the health agency reaches a wide audience. Seven very popular YouTubers have been recruited among teenagers (1). All testify in full transparency of their first report and their first relationships. These interviews address questions that young people ask themselves about the first sexual intercourse: “1st evening or 10th date”; “Gossip or condom”; “Prepared or outdated”; “Sprint or marathon” … (see the clip below).
Between myths and reality
Moreover, even if the site has been in existence since 2009, it is enriched this year with new content. With the animated module “Friends vs reality”, which allows adolescents to take a step back from the speeches of their peers. The topics covered are the duration of the report (90 min according to the friend against 7 min for the duration of the ideal report according to a recent study), the size of the sex, the place of the getaway, the pleasure, and finally , the number of times.
In short, the difference is often very large between what adolescents report about their performance and reality. A gap which, unfortunately, can generate questions or doubts for some adolescents.
“Always a virgin / virgin? At your age ? Is, for example, a remark that often comes up in discussions in high school classes. Faced with this obligation to reveal oneself, sometimes embarrassing, Public health France advises above all not to let yourself be destabilized: “Take a deep breath, and answer as sharply:” Yes, so what? It’s not a 100 meters, that I know of? And my name is not Usain Bolt “. “
Answer sensitive questions
Finally, the site provides a clear and simple answer to questions, including the most delicate, that adolescents, boys and girls, ask themselves about love, sexuality, contraception, abortion, STIs, HIV / AIDS and condoms. It also includes instructions for use of male and female condoms, and a list of useful numbers completes the document. These tools, if they are aimed directly at young people, are also a support for parents and health and social professionals in order to better address this subject, which is often taboo within families.
(1) Natoo, Kemar, Pat, Jeremy, My Amélie, SoUrbanGirl and Dimitris Kad