The penis or penis is made up of 2 parts: the body and the glans located at the end. The piece of skin that covers the glans is called the foreskin, present in all uncircumcised.
On the lower surface of the glans is a triangular fold of skin called the frenulum, which limits the pulling of the foreskin.
The penis is, with the clitoris in women, the only erectile organ of the body, that is to say capable of varying in length and diameter. This characteristic is due to the cavernous bodies that make up the penis and which swell with blood at the time of erection. This phenomenon is triggered hormonally under the effect of arousal caused by desire.
Be careful, the penis is not a muscle. Drop all the methods of “bodybuilding” of this organ, methods that are strictly useless.
What is the average size of a man’s sex?
In this area, we should not speak of “standards” but of average values. Which are 8 to 11 cm at rest and 13 to 15 cm in erection. Below 8 cm in erection, we speak of micropenis. About 3% of men are affected.
Is it possible to lengthen the sex of the man?
More and more men are making requests for penis lengthening. Some resort to surgery. Admittedly, they generally manage to gain 2 to 3 cm in length at rest, but in erection the size of the penis remains unchanged. Indeed, the surgical intervention consists only in bringing out the penis more towards the outside by cutting the suspensory ligament of the penis. So the use of surgery just makes it possible to give the impression that the penis at rest is larger, and not to lengthen the penis whether it is at rest or erect. Is it really worth it?
Another type of intervention consists of injecting fat into the penis in order to increase its volume. But beware, as everyone knows: the fat melts! It is therefore necessary to repeat the operation regularly. Not very exciting!
Let’s be clear: it is not possible to increase the size of the erect penis. Let go of all the miraculous practices that make you believe it is possible. As for the surgery, its only effect is psychological: after an intervention you will have the impression of having a bigger sex, which will help you to overcome your possible apprehensions. But do not forget that in reality your penis is always the same size, and that the pleasure does not depend on the size.
More and more men are making requests for penis lengthening. Some resort to surgery. Admittedly, they generally manage to gain 2 to 3 cm in length at rest, but in erection the size of the penis remains unchanged. Indeed, the surgical intervention consists only in bringing out the penis more towards the outside by cutting the suspensory ligament of the penis. So the use of surgery just makes it possible to give the impression that the penis at rest is larger, and not to lengthen the penis whether it is at rest or erect. Is it really worth it?
Another type of intervention consists of injecting fat into the penis in order to increase its volume. But beware, as everyone knows: the fat melts! It is therefore necessary to repeat the operation regularly. Not very exciting!
Let’s be clear: it is not possible to increase the size of the erect penis. Let go of all the miraculous practices that make you believe it is possible. As for the surgery, its only effect is psychological: after an intervention you will have the impression of having a bigger sex, which will help you to overcome your possible apprehensions. But do not forget that in reality your penis is always the same size, and that the pleasure does not depend on the size.
– Morning erection: Having morning erections is quite normal: every man during his sleep experiences a certain number of physiological erections. Your awakening may therefore coincide with one of these erections.
– Unsatisfactory erection: Before considering the use of Viagra, which is far from representing a miracle solution, it seems necessary to carry out a complete assessment concerning your sexual difficulties. Because if an erectile dysfunction can be only an isolated symptom, without any link with a particular disease, it can also, and even more with age, constitute the warning sign of a pathological state that ‘it is important to recognize. Remember that in many cases diabetes is discovered when erectile dysfunction occurs. Likewise, certain treatments intended to treat conditions such as arterial hypertension, for example, can exert a negative effect on sexual functioning.
Finally, with age there is a more or less significant decrease in the secretion of male hormone, which must reach a certain concentration if we want to obtain a satisfactory erection.
It is therefore a whole set of elements that it is important to research and analyze in order to better situate the erectile disorder in its context. Once in possession of these elements, the doctor will be able to offer you the treatment most suited to your case, which will allow you to regain a more satisfactory sexual functioning.
First of all, stop the misconceptions about semen, and know that:
– you cannot get pregnant by swallowing semen
– semen does not make the breast swell
– swallowing semen is not harmful
An ejaculation produces approximately 2 to 6 ml of semen, knowing that each ml contains between 25 and 250 million sperm. Sperm are made up of a head, a neck, and a flagellum. The head contains the essential elements for fertilization, the flagellum provides propulsion. Not all sperm are motivated by the egg race. There are only 1 million “egg hunters”, for 500 million “killers” (search for and destroy the sperm of another man) and 100 million “blockers” (prevent any foreign sperm from reaching. uterus).