The social security deficit exceeds 10 billion euros. And according to the forecasts of the High Council for the Future of Health Insurance (HCAAM), this figure is likely to reach 29 billion in 2030. One of the solutions to stop this progression could reside in theself-medication, which 80% of French people have already used over the past 12 months. This is what a survey unveiled by theFrench association of the pharmaceutical industry for responsible self-medication(Afipa).
Ask your pharmacist for advice
Self-medication consists of taking medication alone without a medical prescription, and is part of the more global principle of “selfcare”, defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “what people can do themselves to establish and maintain good health, to prevent and manage disease“. For the majority of benign illnesses, self-medication is possible. Thus, Afipa reveals that 16 patients out of 100 who consult their doctor could have treated themselves by self-medication. Going through the “doctor’s box” is therefore not always necessary, believes Afipa, adding “the French are ready… but need to take out insurance!” Half of them are already asking their pharmacist for advice on choosing an over-the-counter medication. And the price should not be prohibitive since these drugs cost an average of 4.69 euros, according to this survey.
Unclog care chains
This small personal investment would make it possible in the longer term to finance the treatment of more serious pathologies orlong-term ailments. At the same time, the development of self-care would also improve accessibility to general practitioners and partially relieve emergency services. Afipa therefore proposes to draw up a list of pathologies suitable for self-medication. It is then a question of identifying the molecules indicated in these diseases, of reimbursing it and making them accessible without a prescription. The association also emphasizes the accessibility of these molecules by asking for a stable VAT at 2.1% for these drugs and the inclusion of self-medication in the free or assisted social protection system (Universal health coverage CMU or Help to the payment of complementary ACS health insurance) so that the poorest also have access to it.
Selfcare is also a healthy lifestyle
Be careful though, self-medication should not be taken lightly, especially in young children, pregnant women and the elderly. Also remember that selfcare also involves a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and adequate food supplements when needed. A good dose of vitamin C,grapefruit seed extractfresh fruits and vegetables, honey or rooibos teacan sometimes fight a cold just as well as over-the-counter medications, including effectiveness has recently been questioned by a survey of 60 million consumers.
>> To read also:
Self-medication: sales boosted by the flu
The limits of self-medication during pregnancy
8 tips to stop gastro quickly and well
Emergencies: a waiting time of less than 4 hours