The Academy of Medicine calls on patients and doctors on the risks associated with the prescription of Sativex, a drug based on cannabis for the relief of patients with multiple sclerosis.
In January 2013, the Academy, asked for an opinion by the Directorate General of Health, had already spoken out against the draft decree opening the possibility of marketing in France of medicinal products derived from cannabis.
Today, she insists on the undesirable and dangerous effects of the two active ingredients of Sativex, THC (psychoactive compound in cannabis) and CBD (sedative compound which lessens the effects of THC). The Academy states that “the risks posed by tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are very numerous, often serious and incompatible with therapeutic use. And that “it is astonishing, from a pharmacological point of view, to see associated THC, in an ill-justified proportion, and CBD, with an uncertain mechanism of action, in order to reduce the harmful effects of THC. “
Lots of unwanted effects
The Academy recalls that “the adverse effects of THC are numerous, dangerous” and that “the simultaneity of the multiple and overlapping activities of THC is incompatible with a therapeutic logic. »THC indeed causes a proven physical dependence and lives a very long time in the body. “After the total cessation of regular consumption of cannabis / THC, it takes almost 8 weeks to no longer find cannabinoid derivatives in the urine of the consumer, which is an exceptional situation for a drug”, recalls the Academy.
Responsible for anxiety and depressive disorders and a decrease in intellectual capacities, THC is also implicated in the development of an aggressive type of testicular cancer. It is also responsible for testosteronemia which disrupts libido, has immunosuppressive effects, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and may cause the risk of abnormalities for the unborn child.
The Academy is also concerned about the risks of misuse of the Sativex. She recalls that “despite the many safeguards imposed by the marketing authorization in terms of indications and prescription conditions, we can fear the multiplication of prescriptions outside Marketing Authorization for various uses such as weaning drug addicts, reducing the nausea in patients treated with chemotherapy, to restore appetite in AIDS patients, all indications widely acclaimed in public opinion, but which it should be remembered that they are not supported by indisputable clinical studies. “
If the Sativex has received only one marketing authorization (Marketing Authorization) from the European Commission, it will not be available in French pharmacies before 2015.