Fifty of the 142 students of the school in Romenay, a town of 1,600 inhabitants in Saône-et-Loire, suffer from itching according to the Regional Health Agency, which requires the school to be closed until further notice. The school will remain closed at the start of the week. Why Doctor takes stock of the possible causes.
The elementary school of Romenay, in Saône-et-Loire has kept its doors closed today “for reasons of hygiene”, according to the rectorate.
This establishment was indeed confronted Friday with a wave of itching which affected a third of the 142 pupils. The epidemic started on Friday in one classroom and quickly spread throughout the school. The causes of this itching, which remain benign, are currently still unknown. Itching hair, processionary caterpillars, allergens in the air… all causes are possible while waiting for the conclusions of the investigation. The first assumption which was essential, the collective food poisoning having been ruled out, to what can be due this collective itching (which is also called “pruritus”)?
Why Doctor takes stock of itching.
• Firstly, insect bites (mosquitoes, fleas, bedbugs, chiggers, etc.) or irritation in contact with plants (nettles, etc.). It is a common cause of seasonal itching. They are associated with “urticarial” lesions, sometimes centered on a purplish red or black point.
• A frequent cause of pruritus localized to the folds of the skin are mycoses: “candidiasis” for the large folds (inframammary, inguinal folds, etc.) and “dermatophytoses” (intertrigo of the toes, with redness, itching up to the burning, small blisters and cracking of the skin).
• The itchy scalp should systematically check for the presence of lice with the “nits” which are attached to the hair.
• Those of the neck, associated with itching of the scalp should look for lice, especially in children.
• A predominantly nocturnal pruritus, sometimes generalized, but especially on the anterior surface of the body, predominantly in the spaces between the fingers (“interdigital spaces”), the wrists, the armholes, but also the nipples and the external genitalia. evoke a scab.
The examination will look for the “characteristic groove” at the level of the interdigital spaces (small sinuous, thread-like lesion a few millimeters long and corresponding to the tunnel dug by the female to lay her eggs).
• The itching of the anus can suggest an infestation by an intestinal worm, such as pinworm which can be very itchy, predominantly nocturnal (it is at night that the female pinworm lays its eggs on the anal margin. )
• Environmental factors can trigger pruritus such as irritants (plant agents, glass wool, poorly rinsed antiseptic products, etc.), variations in temperature or humidity.
• In some cases, it may be psychogenic itching, ie linked to a psychological cause, but it is a diagnosis of elimination and which seems impossible on a large scale.
What are the risks of itching?
The symptoms are mild: redness and itching, “the same feeling as a sting of nettles,” witnesses said.
Strong itching can be accompanied by scratching lesions which then risk superinfection with bacteria normally present on the surface of the skin (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.) and lead to “abscesses” or “impetigo”.
What can be done in case of itching?
After intensive cleaning, it is important to always maintain good air humidification in the classrooms.
Aggravating factors and, in particular, irritant factors (alcoholic antiseptics which can themselves induce contact eczemas), topical corticosteroids, scented or acid soaps, contact with wool or tight clothing should be avoided.
Cutting your fingernails short will reduce scratching lesions.
Emollients (Cold Cream, etc.) and super-fatty soaps are the most effective for treating dry skin.