December 11, 2018.
For the past ten years or so, cases of contamination of pork and more particularly of sausages with salmonella have been increasing. We take stock of this bacteria.
Salmonella are increasingly affecting the pig industry
The National Reference Center for Salmonella at the Institut Pasteur as well as ANSES (the National Health Security Agency) are issuing the alert on increased contamination of pork by salmonella and more particularly salmonella typhimurium.
From ham to rillettes, via sausage and ham, pork contaminated by salmonella is almost undetectable because the pig is a healthy carrier and has no symptoms. Difficult then to treat it or to exclude its meat from the sale. But for man, the evil is much stronger.
What symptoms in humans?
Poorly cleaned premises, contact between the digestive tract of the pig containing the bacteria and its muscles, a poorly disinfected knife … All this is enough to contaminate the meat. And the numbers are exploding. Ten years ago, only fifty people had been made sick by this bacterium. In 2017, the Institut Pasteur identified 2,500 sick people.
In humans, salmonellosis is most often reflected in humans by diarrhea, gastroenteritis, fever attacks. However, if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, elderly, or the bacteria affects a child, take care. the infection can turn into sepsis. In all cases, contact your doctor promptly.
Maylis Choné
Read also: 6 things to know about salmonellosis