The ISNI union recalls that it will support all local initiatives aimed at eliminating sprains in the safety rest of medical interns. Criminal complaints are being considered.
“Medical interns are not corvable at mercy!” This is the appeal launched by Baptiste Boukebous, president of the InterSyndicat National des Internes (ISNI), at the microphone of Why actor. In a press release published on Sunday, the organization recalls that respecting it is an obligation for all health establishments. A right for future doctors acquired in 2002. Article R. 6153-2 of the Public Health Code provides that this is an 11-hour break that a medical intern must take at the end of of each night shift.
Except that fourteen years after the implementation of this measure, Baptiste Boukebous denounces “still frequent, even very frequent violations” of the regulations in certain hospital services. “In addition to the fact of creating a significant precariousness of the medical profession, it is clearly demonstrated today that the non-respect of the safety rest after a guard threatens the life of both the caregiver and the patient”, worries ISNI. In his 2012 working time survey (1), the union thus revealed that 15% of had made medical errors in prescriptions, diagnoses or operative procedures the day after on call. 11% also declared having already had a road accident and 15% a domestic accident.
Criminal complaints announced
Faced with these figures, which still seem relevant, ISNI writes that it will “fully support all local initiatives aimed at firmly and definitively eliminating the shameful breaches of the regulations in force, concerning safety rest” .
“These local initiatives will include, where appropriate, the formal notice of the faulty establishments, the criminal complaint by referral to the Public Prosecutor and referral to the administrative court”, he specifies.
An action of this type would also be already underway in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) where the interns have lodged a complaint against an establishment, according to Baptiste Boukebous. And other cities should follow, according to him. “We will soon publish the map of France of establishments that do not comply with the legislation,” he concludes. The warning is issued …
(1) Medical interns: on call, on-call duty and working time, ISNIH 2012 survey