On August 17, a woman went to the emergency room of the Besançon hospital when she was having a miscarriage. Sent home a few hours later, she gave birth alone to the dead fetus.
The story is mind blowing. On August 17, Magdalena Cocatrix, three months pregnant, went to the gyneco-obstetrical emergency departments of the Besançon hospital after having lost a significant amount of blood during the night. Supported by the hospital after 3 hours of waiting, the young woman was finally invited to go home with a prescription for painkillers.
A few hours earlier, the doctors had told her that she had unfortunately had a miscarriage and that the fetus would come out little by little. When she returned home, the woman experienced severe pain and ended up expelling the dead fetus in her bathtub.
A fetus to put in the trash
“I took the tram and the contractions started. I was in excruciating pain. As soon as I got home, I felt that a small mass was expelled (…) I locked myself in the bathroom and undressed before going into the empty tub. I gathered my baby in my hands. He was about 7 cm tall and was whole, formed (..) I was afraid of infection and hemorrhage massive “, she says in the columns of the newspaper Eastern Republican.
Deeply shocked, his companion Alan Thierret then called the hospital: “The person on the phone told me that the hospital would do nothing and that we just had to put it in the trash!” , he reports to L‘Is republican.
“I’m afraid of getting pregnant again”
The couple ended up turning to their general practitioner, who received Magdalena urgently to ensure that the young woman was no longer at risk. The doctor prescribed him medication as well as a blood test to be done every 48 hours for a week. If Magdalena has been taken care of in extremis, she nevertheless remains traumatized. “They never asked me how I felt, neither during nor after. I’m afraid to get pregnant again and find myself in the same situation,” she explains to Republican East.
The hospital is justified
“Reading this painful testimony, which we regret not having received directly, requires collecting specific information on the conditions of care for this patient in order to provide her with all the information she is looking for. Ms. Cocatrix can contact the management of the establishment as soon as she wishes. As the questions you ask are related to the patient’s medical situation, it is not possible for us to provide you with answers relating to medical confidentiality ” , justified the Besançon hospital, contacted by our colleagues fromIs Republican.