Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania Research Institute (USA) have developed an adjustable foot wrap system that would help calm symptoms restless legs without resorting to medication.
This device was designed to apply adjustable pressure to two of the muscles in the foot known to relax and improve symptoms of restless legs. Pressure, similar to acupressure or a foot massage, can also stimulate dopamine release, researchers say.
A system that also improves sleep
In an 8-week clinical trial involving 30 healthy adults with moderate to severe restless leg syndrome, researchers compared the results of this foot wrapping device with those obtained by the drug. most often prescribed (ropirinole) and with a placebo. Responses indicate a significantly greater improvement for the wrapping device (90%) compared to medical treatment (63%).
Patients using the pressure device also reported improved sleep.
“By putting this pressure on specific muscles in the foot, we create a response in the brain that relaxes the muscles activated by restless leg syndrome.” explains Dr Phyllis Kuhn, lead author of the study published in the Jjournal of american osteopathic association.
“This is a real breakthrough in the treatment of this syndrome because the drugs used to relieve the symptoms (dopamine agonists, opioids or antidepressants) are often accompanied by side effects such as dizziness, nausea or vomiting”.
During the clinical study, 7 patients reported side effects: pain (1), feeling of pins in the foot (2), irritability (3), spasms (1) and heat in the foot (1).
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