The bill aimed at modernizing the nursing profession was adopted by the deputies on the night of Monday March 10 to Tuesday March 11, 2025. What are the new missions of these health professionals?
- The National Assembly unanimously adopted the text of law supervising the nursing profession.
- Among other things, the text created the notions of “nurse consultation” and “nursing diagnosis”.
- He still has to pass the Senate.
The 640,000 nurses present on French soil see their missions redefined in part by the bill approved unanimously by the National Assembly. The text provides, among other things, the creation of the concepts of “Nurse consultation” And “Nurse diagnosis”.
Reform: What are the 5 nursing missions?
Faced with the extension of medical deserts, nurses have seen their practices incorporate more and more tasks generally allocated to doctors such as vaccination, carrying out death certificates or monitoring of chronic patients …
This new text aims to “Concretis (er) in the law the redesign of the profession”explained the Minister of Health Yannick Neuder. “It is time to trust these health professionals and to say loud and clear that they are essential in the care of the French”added the president of the Social Affairs Committee, Frédéric Valletoux (Horizons) during the vote of the text on Monday evening.
The changes most claimed by nurses are mainly in article 1 of the law. The latter presents the 5 missions of these health professionals:
- the realization of nursing “curative, palliative, relational and intended for clinical surveillance”;
- monitoring the patient’s health journey and their “orientation”;
- Prevention: this includes screening and therapeutic education;
- participation in peer training;
- Research.
In addition, the text has created the notions of “Nurse consultation” and “Diagnosis nursing“The new law also provides that these caregivers can” prescribe “certain drugs. They will be identified by decree. This list will be reviewed every three years.
Article 2 offers nurses in advanced practice (IPA) of two new types of activity: maternal and child protection services (PMI) and those of school and social assistance to childhood.
Faced with criticisms, in particular doctors, elected officials who worked on the text ensure that the changes made do not aim to “encroach on the field of competence” of doctors, but to act “in complementarity”.
Nurses: negotiations on remuneration in September, if all goes well
If the text was adopted unanimously, several deputies highlighted the need to also improve the remuneration and training of nurses. Amendments providing for the opening of negotiations on nursing prices during the publication and updating of the decree framing the acts carried out by the profession were thus voted.
Before it can be applied, the text must still be voted at first reading in the Senate, then definitively in the two chambers. The Ministry of Health hopes that this legislative work will be quickly done to be able to “Stop the conventional negotiations from September”.
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