With Dr. Mathilde Kemula, dermatologist in Charenton-le-Pont, consultation assistant at the Henri Mondor hospital (Créteil).
Psoriasis is psychosomatic
Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease that affects 3 to 5% of the population. It results from an excessive reaction of the skin to aggressions. This is why environmental factors (stress, trauma, emotional shock, seasons, etc.) can trigger attacks, but they do not cause the disease.
Psoriasis is hereditary
True and false
A family factor is present in only 30% of cases. This is a predisposition linked to the presence of susceptibility genes involved in the control of the immune response of the skin to attacks
Psoriasis is a contagious disease
You can touch, feel, kiss someone who has psoriasis without any consequences. And of course swimming in the same pool as a psoriatic patient… The plaques are just the witness of a too rapid renewal of skin cells, every 5 to 6 days instead of 28.
There is no treatment that really works
Psoriasis is a lifelong disease with ups and downs. But most forms are mild. And when they are, effective treatments can be offered in more than 80% of cases.