The 12 candidates for the presidency of the Republic obviously reacted to the meteoric rise in fuel prices. Everyone is trying to position themselves on the subject: tax cuts, price caps, compensation… Here are their ideas to make motorists smile again.
Filling up with petrol or diesel has never been so expensive in France. Between the war in Ukraine and prices that have already been very high since the end of last year, fuel now happily exceeds the bar of €2 per liter at some stations. A godsend (or almost) for the candidates who rely on the discontent of the citizens to be forces of proposal. The argus takes stock of the various statements of the candidates for the 2022 Presidential election concerning fuel.

Taxes represent on average nearly 60% of the price of a liter of fuel.
Lower taxes: the preferred option
Regardless of their political side, the majority of candidates seem to agree on lower taxes for motoristsas soon as possible.

Marine le Pen, candidate for the National Rally, is firm on the subject. ” It’s been six months that I propose to lower the VAT from 20% to 5.5% on energy (electricity, gas, fuel …) to return 12 billion euros to the French. We must go further and remove the fuel tax increases (TICPE) decided by Emmanuel Macron in 2017 and 2018 “. She thus affirms that her proposals would reduce ” 44 cents per liter on diesel and 34 cents per liter on gasoline ».
Jean Lassalle (Resist!) and Valérie Pécresse (Les Républicains) would also adopt this measure if they were elected. Fabien Roussel, representative of the French Communist Party, would like the return of the floating TIPP set up between 2000 and 2002 by the Jospin government. The reason ? This is directly indexed to the price of fuel and can therefore increase or decrease depending on the situation. As a reminder, taxes account for 60% of fuel prices at the pump. So that would have a huge impact right now.

Nathalie Arthaud of the Lutte Ouvrière party would go even further. The candidate indicates in her program that she wants to abolish the tax for “workers” and compensate for it with a ” tax on part of the profits of the major oil groups “. All while increasing wages. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Debout la France) also proposes to abolish VAT on the TICPE. ” On the price of gasoline, I propose that the State stop taxing the tax, by abolishing the VAT on the TICPE, which represents 7 to 10 € saved per tank of gasoline! “, he explained on his Twitter account.

TO READ. Presidential 2022. What are the candidates’ cars?
Cap the price of fuel
Anne Hidalgo, current mayor of Paris and representative of the Socialist Party, wants to be less aggressive on the reduction in VAT on fuels. She speaks rather of a “transitional period” during difficult times like today. Above all, she called for freezing of energy prices for individuals at the 2022 Agricultural Show and was in favor of “extending the energy check to the first income tax bracket”.

Eric Zemmour (Reconquest!), for his part, took the most risks by speaking concretely of a fuel price cap. ” The emergency measure is blocking the pump at 1.8 euros per liter. Half of the mileage costs of the 18 million French people who take their car must be reimbursed, within the limit of 40 euros per month ». A clear measure which would however be very difficult to apply.

For his part Jean-Luc Mélenchon, founder of the movement La France insoumise, also wants to block the price of gasoline. Like Nathalie Arthaud, MP Alexis Corbière (FI spokesperson) spoke about the major oil groups. ” It is out of the question that we are in a period of over-profit on energy groups and that it is only through public aid that we try to compensate for that. So we should actually go after the big oil groups “.
The fuel check for others

In addition to the measure to lower the VAT on fuel to 5%, Valérie Pécresse plans to index the allowances for mileage on fuel prices. Thus the energy check could be extended to the first tranche of income tax. But that’s not all: the candidate of the traditional right also wishes ” transparency on the revenue that the State will recover due to the increase in fuel ».
Emmanuel Macron comes very close to this right-wing fuel policy. He always prioritizes the fuel check and wants to improve it ” around a mileage allowance and inflation allowance approach “. We recall that 38 million people had been able to benefit from an indemnity of 100 € in recent months.

To end this overview of the candidates for the Presidential 2022, Yannick Jadot, the candidate of EELV (Europe Ecologie Les Verts), also promises to raise the amount of the check, to 400 €. 6 million families could benefit from it, which can be used for fuel as well as for electricity or gas. For now, Philippe Poutou (New Anti-Capitalist Party) has not presented any specific measures concerning the rise in fuel prices.