The National Frequency Agency wants to improve the measurement of electromagnetic waves. It is launching a public consultation to redefine the protocol.
The effects of electromagnetic fields on health are still poorly defined. The measures require change. This is why the National Frequency Agency (ANFR) launched a public consultation on April 29. It aims to further improve the way of measuring exposure to electromagnetic waves.
The emergence of 4G
Electromagnetic fields are produced by the flow of an electric current. They can be produced by power lines, electronic devices or even telecommunications. Invisible, these fields can however be measured. The ANFR is responsible for managing the system allowing these readings and for ensuring that the limit values are respected. But the latest measurement protocols date from 2011. With this public consultation, the Agency wishes to update the procedure to follow, taking into account in particular new mobile networks such as 4G.
The measurement of electromagnetic fields is important because they can act on the body. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), they cause currents to flow from the body to the earth. But when their intensity increases, electrical currents can appear inside the body, and therefore stimulate muscles. However, these are not harmful changes for health.
In fact, “the question that is currently debated is whether low but prolonged exposure is likely to elicit biological responses and harm the well-being of the population,” recognizes the WHO. on his site.
“Possibly carcinogenic”
For the moment, there is no data to conclude on a health effect resulting from exposure to an electromagnetic field. However, the literature reports sporadic cases of eye irritation or cataracts in workers exposed to radiofrequencies. “According to some epidemiological studies, there would be a slight increase in the risk of leukemia in children in the event of exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields generated in the house”, underlines the WHO. This is what prompted the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) to classify them as ” possibly carcinogenic to humans. “
Research is continuing to better identify the impact of these electromagnetic fields on human health. They mainly focus on the effects caused by cell phones.