In the summary of our daily meeting animated by Dr Jean-François Lemoine: Pr Robert Cohen, specialist in childhood infections, reassures on the conditions for the reopening of schools on May 11; Pr Vincent Maréchal, virologist, explains why the risk of progressive deconfinement is playable with the precautions that accompany it; Yves Gaudin, researcher at the CNRS, discusses the impact of the weather on the coronavirus.
Guests of Dr. Jean-François Lemoine:
– Professor Robert Cohen, specialist in child infections, returns to the announcement of a reopening of schools on May 11. According to him, insofar as the contaminating power of children is not as high as we thought, reopening schools in May will not be more risky than in September when children will not be more immune.
– Professor Vincent Maréchalvirologist, recalls the many unknowns about this coronavirus and believes that the examination of the risk-benefit ratio authorizes a first phase of deconfinement provided that it is accompanied by precautions such as tests and the placement in quarantine of patients and their relatives.
– Yves Gaudina CNRS researcher, explains why the coronavirus can be less virulent and our immunity stronger when temperatures are higher and the weather is sunnier.