It is now forbidden to use phytosanitary products to maintain parks, public gardens and green spaces.
This summer, the inhabitants of France will be able to enjoy the parks and forests without breathing an air loaded with pesticides. It’s official: since yesterday, the first day of 2017, it is forbidden to use phytosanitary products for the maintenance of green spaces, walks, forests and roads (with the exception of railways, trails and (airport or highways for “public safety reasons”).
This ban was adopted during the vote on the energy transition law for green growth, which provides for the implementation of the zero pesticide objective in all public spaces from 2017.
2019: extension to private gardens
The regulations apply to the State, local communities and public establishments for the maintenance of green spaces, walks, forests, and roads. Pesticides can still be used in the event of a health emergency.
This ban will soon extend to individuals. From the 1er January 2019, the marketing and possession of phytosanitary products for non-professional use will be prohibited indeed have a garden or a vegetable patch. The use of pesticides by private individuals represents 5 to 10% of all pesticide use, which remains the prerogative of agriculture.
62,700 tonnes of pesticides
“Biocontrol products, qualified as low risk or whose use is authorized within the framework of organic farming can be used”. France is a champion in the consumption of pesticides in Europe. All sectors confused, about 62,700 tonnes of active substances are sold there each year.
The Ecophyto plan, launched in 2008 following the Grenelle de l’environnement to reduce the use of plant protection products by 50% by 2018, has not yet produced the expected results.