In terms of intimate hygiene, we have known for a long time that douching should be avoided if you do not want to endanger the local flora. But a new study from the University of Guelph in Canada says that when it comes to personal hygiene, some toiletries can be just as harmful. According to Canadian researchers, women who use feminine hygiene products daily are almost 3.5 times more likely to suffer from a bacterial infection and are 2.5 times more likely to report a urinary tract infection.
For their study, the Canadian researchers asked more than 1,400 women about their personal toilet habits by noting the type of products they used and how often they suffered from vaginal problems.
More than 95% of women declared using at least one hygiene or health product dedicated to the vaginal area: anti-itching creams, lubricants and intimate wipes being the most used.
50% more risk of having a urinary tract infection
The results, published on BMC Woman’s health showed that women who used vaginal moisturizers and lubricants were 2.5 times more likely to report a yeast infection and 50% more likely to have urinary tract infection than those who had not used it.
However, Kieran O’Doherty, who led this study, acknowledges that it cannot be determined whether women get a yeast infection from using a vaginal moisturizer or if they turn to vaginal moisturizer because symptoms of an infection were already present.
“This type of study cannot answer that question, but it does suggest that the subject should be explored further, and that all of these products offered to women may not be as benign as they claim.” she emphasizes.
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