Penis lengthening surgery has had some success, especially in Germany. However, this cosmetic surgery operation is far from trivial.
Are the Germans the most dissatisfied men with the size of their penises? This seems to emerge from data recently published by the International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery. While penis lengthening and enlargement surgery only concerns 0.1% of cosmetic surgeries performed worldwide, the Germans are said to be by far the first to resort to it.
2786 penis lengthening
The figures are clear: in Germany, the number of interventions in men, to increase the size of their attributes, is higher than in the 10 countries combined where this type of surgery is performed the most. In 2013, 2,786 penis lengthenings had been carried out across the Rhine. For example, the United States had 61 operations, 12 in Iran and curiously, many in Latin America, with more than 1000 surgeries distributed between Venezuela, Brazil, Mexico and Colombia. In France, these data are not known.
However, according to several German urologists, the average size of a German penis is not particularly smaller than that of its neighbors. But now, the German Institute of Urology and Phalloplasty Surgery would offer a particularly “interesting” offer: that of being able to increase the length of the penis by 6 cm and the circumference of 3 cm, all for the “modest” sum of 9600 euros.
Penile dysmorphophobia
But why use it? Is it out of coquetry, to feel more manly? In fact, while the majority of patients have normal genital anatomy, some suffer from “penile dysmorphophobia”, which results in a psychological poor perception of the size of their sex. For them, cosmetic surgery seems to be the only solution. It is a serious disorder, which sometimes pushes men who suffer from it to depression. Remember that for health professionals, the average height is between 12 and 13 centimeters.
In addition, there are also medical problems of a physical nature, which affect the size of the penis and therefore make this type of intervention necessary. This is sometimes the case with certain treatments for prostate cancer, but also with certain erectile disorders, or Peyronie’s disease, which causes the penis to deviate into an erection.
However, this type of practice is not without risks, with high complication rates. For many urologists, lengthening surgery should only be offered as a last resort. Especially since several studies have shown in the past that there is no correlation between the size and the sexual pleasure of the partner.