Nine children and three adults were poisoned by carbon monoxide in a center, as a result of human error.
Twelve people – nine children and three adults – were taken to hospital after a release of carbon monoxide. The facts took place this Thursday, in the multimedia center Goerges Brassens, in Douvrin, in the Pas-de-Calais.
” A mistake “
“A human error” would be involved, according to the mayor of the town, Jean-Michel Dupont “Two municipal employees had to pump water into the cellar, so they took a pump and connected it to a generator. But instead of putting it outside, they put it inside the cellar, ”he told AFP. It is this generator that would have released carbon monoxide.
On the spot, 68 children and 12 adults were evacuated, specify the firefighters. “The plan for many victims was triggered” allowing “a deployment of equipment and important personnel,” said the same source, quoted by the agency.
All those present were examined at the town hall of Douvrin by medical teams; 12 showed signs of carbon monoxide poisoning, including vomiting.