By stimulating the body’s natural defenses to fight cancer, immunotherapy technique changed the approach of cancer treatments. Today, it is patients with Parkinson disease who observe with hope these new techniques.
In the columns of the ParisianProf. Philippe Damier, neurologist at Nantes hospital has just announced that immunotherapy treatment trials were currently underway on patients affected by Parkinson’s disease.
What will the treatment do?
In the case of cancer, the treatment helps the patient to defend himself against tumors thanks to the injection of specific antibodies. In the case of Parkinson’s disease, the antibodies will target the protein deposits in brain cells in order to destroy them.
The goal is to slow down the degenerative process, or even to stop it if we manage at the very beginning of the disease.
“We are starting phase II of the international clinical study with patients infused every month”, reveals Philippe Damier.
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