Parent company Facebook is looking for a new name

Parent company Facebook is looking for a new name

Facebook will probably announce a new name for itself in the near future. It’s not about the social network itself, but the parent company behind it – now Facebook, Inc.

Rumors are now circulating on the internet that Facebook will make the name change at its Connect event on October 28th reveals. It may be the name Horizon or a variation thereof. Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg previously talked about a ‘transition’ from social media company to a ‘metaverse company’ and the new name should better reflect that.

The metaverse is a term used for the virtual world in which we find ourselves more and more. Virtual reality and augmented reality play a major role in this and Facebook has been investing in them for some time. In 2014, for example, they became the new owner of Oculus, maker of virtual reality glasses. Facebook was willing to pay $2 billion for it at the time.

Make it work

It was also announced this week that Facebook plans to hire 10,000 new employees over the next five years to realize this metaverse. The Netherlands may still play an important role in this. Talent is sought in a number of European countries, where our country is specifically mentioned.

Now the brand name ‘Facebook’ has also been dragged through the mud in recent years. One scandal after another is piling up, causing the image damage to continue to increase. Another name for the parent company would therefore be an attempt to improve the appearance of Facebook’s services, even though Facebook itself will probably never confirm this out loud.

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