The ovarian cancer of a former employee of a boiler manufacturing company has been recognized as an occupational disease linked to asbestos. A first in France!
After the asbestos affair at the Tour Montparnasse (Paris), the new “asbestos” soap opera takes place this time in the Ardennes (08). It is in this department of the North-East, bordering Belgium, that an ovarian cancer linked to asbestos has recently been recognized as an occupational disease by health insurance. A first in France.
20 years cutting asbestos cords
In this story, Liliane had worked for more than 20 years at Deville, a company manufacturing boilers and different means of heating, located in Charleville-Mézières (08). By cutting asbestos cords, she breathed in these dreaded carcinogenic fibers for years. As a result, in 2010, this person died of ovarian cancer.
The promise to “go all the way”
In this battle to have her pathology recognized as an “occupational disease”, Liliane has been supported from the start by the National Association for the Defense of Victims of Asbestos (Andeva) in the Ardennes. Two weeks before his death, Claude Huet, president of the Association, had promised him “to go to the end. ”
And this file promised to be difficult, because this pathology is not included in any table of occupational disease. It can therefore only be recognized by a regional committee for the recognition of occupational diseases (CRRMP).
Additionally, while many people know that asbestos fibers cause lung or pleural cancer, few know that these fibers travel through the body not only through the respiratory system, but also through the digestive system or the body. lymphatic system. And be at the origin, for example, of ovarian cancer.
Evidence gathered by 27 scientists from 8 countries
But this determination by all those involved in the defense of asbestos victims ended up paying off. For the record, the reasoned request for recognition as an occupational disease was first met with a refusal by the CRRMP of the North East, notified on July 5, 2010. The family however appealed and seized the Security Affairs Court. social (the TASS of the Ardennes).
This appeal was based on the opinion of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which, after bringing together 27 scientists from 8 countries, considered that “sufficient evidence now exists to show that asbestos causes cancers of the larynx and ovaries. “
Asked by the Tass, the CRRMP Nord – Pas-de-Calais – Picardie, then considered that exposure to asbestos was certain from 1966 to 1980, and issued an unambiguous opinion on the origin of the disease which caused his death:
“After hearing the prevention service of the CARSAT, the CRRMP notes that in the last scientific report of the IARC in 2011, it is retained a scientific link of high probability between the occurrence of ovarian cancer and exposure to asbestos. The time to onset (more than 20 years) of the presented pathology is completely compatible with scientific data. For all these reasons, it is appropriate to retain a direct and essential link between the condition presented and the occupational exposure ”, concludes the Committee.
Add ovarian cancer and laryngeal cancer
Subsequently, as this opinion is binding on the Social Security Business Court, the latter will rule in favor of the coverage of the disease. “This is a first in France, the importance of which must be commended. This decision does justice to the suffering of Liliane and her family, ”comments Andeva. This association also calls for “ovarian cancer and laryngeal cancer to be included without delay in the table of occupational diseases linked to asbestos. “