An American study confirms the health benefits of optimism. This trait would indeed reduce the risk of premature death, heart attack and stroke.
Optimism Reduces Risk of Heart Attack or Stroke by One-Third
Having an optimistic character is not only beneficial for those around you, who benefit from being a pleasant person to live with on a daily basis, but also for your health. According to a study published in the medical journal JAMA Network Open, the people who present this profile have one-third less risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
But the health benefits of an optimistic character don’t end there. The study claims that optimistic people are less likely (14%) to die prematurely, whatever the cause, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia and diabetes.
To be in good health, adopt a “positive attitude”
To draw these conclusions, a team of American researchers called on 230,000 participants from the United States, Europe, Israel and Australia and followed them over a period of 14 years. The results also enabled Professor Alan Rozanski, lead study author and cardiologist in New York, to point out that promoting optimism and reducing pessimism ” may be important for preventive health “.
so here’s a good reason to see life on the bright side and stop brooding. When will the prevention campaigns where, in addition to advising to exercise and adopt a healthy diet, they will encourage a “positive attitude”?
Perrine Deurot-Bien
Read also : 3 (scientific) lessons of happiness