More than 10 million French people are “migraine”: women are, on average, 3 times more affected than men. Thus, 25% of French women aged 30 to 39 regularly suffer from this disease which is thought to be the cause of 18 million lost working days each year …
In 20% of cases, we speak of “ophthalmic migraine” or “migraine with aura”: this is characterized by often violent headaches, accompanied by visual disturbances (scintillating spots, nausea in front of bright light. , black spots, blurred vision …). It sometimes lasts up to 90 minutes.
According to a new study by researchers at Karolinska Institutet (Sweden), people who suffer from ophthalmic migraines are also more likely to have a stroke in their lifetime.
A risk increased by around 27%
To arrive at this conclusion, the scientists worked with medical data concerning approximately 53,000 patients, born between 1935 and 1985. In this panel, 8,635 patients suffered from migraine and, among them, 3,553 suffered from migraine with aura. The medical follow-up extended over 12 years: during this period, 1,297 strokes were recorded.
Verdict? According to the researchers (who published their work in the specialist journal Brain), people who suffer from ophthalmic migraine have an increased risk of stroke by about 27% compared to the rest of the population.
As a reminder, in France, 150,000 strokes are listed each year, or 1 stroke every 4 minutes.
Read also :
Are chronic migraines linked to joint disorders of the jaw?
Migraine: the weight involved?
A new treatment for childhood migraines