An Opinion Way survey carried out on behalf of the French Union of Osteopaths (SFDO) shows that the French no longer hesitate to consult an osteopath for the chronic or acute pain from which they suffer. Sprains, neuralgia, headaches, tendinopathies: one in 2 French people has already consulted an osteopath, an increase of 20% in four years.
Pain clinician
Any loss of mobility of the joints, muscles, ligaments or viscera causes imbalances in the state of health. Thanks to specific palpatory tests, the osteopath finds areas of the body with movement restrictions likely to alter the state of health. Osteopathy considers the whole body and not just the symptom, because the origin of the problem is often found elsewhere than the place where the suffering occurs.
9 out of 10 patients consult for pain. It can be acute or chronic but for 45.7% of patients this pain is less than a month and for 33% of them the pain has lasted for 1 to 12 months.
Musculoskeletal pain is the most frequent main reason for consultation: 54.2% of people who come to see the osteopath complain of this pain. A few rare patients (2%) come for ENT disorders, stress, inflammatory rheumatism or insomnia.
In their care path, they often had recourse beforehand to another health professional: general practitioner for 30.8% of them, specialist doctor for 13.3%, physiotherapist for 12.5%. On the other hand, only 13.4% of patients are recommended by another practitioner: 78.3% of them come to see the osteopath on their own.
And you, have you ever gone to see an osteopath? Give us your opinion on the forum.