Nearly 10% of independent doctors practice under the combined employment-retirement scheme, i.e. just over 12,000 doctors.
One in ten liberal doctors in activity combines employment and retirement, according to a study by the Orders. As of January 1, 2018, nearly 10% of self-employed doctors practice under the combined employment-retirement system, i.e. just over 12,000 doctors. The number of beneficiaries of the scheme has increased sharply in recent years. Specialists, and in particular psychiatrists, use it more than general practitioners.
Financial motivation
“A doctor who has a career of 30 to 40 years, is very invested in his relationships with his patients. Leaving overnight seems difficult. Many want to retire but continue to have a reduced activity”, explains Dr. Hubert Aouizerate , president of FARA (Federation of regional associations of CARMF beneficiaries) on The second major motivation is financial. “Retirement pensions are not as high as we think, between 2,000 and 2,500 € per month, remarks the president of FARA. Accumulation allows you to have a financial supplement”.
Over the age of 65, nearly 70% of physicians still in activity are cumulants. The final retirement of these beneficiaries occurs on average at age 69.5, after having accumulated income from work and a retirement pension for almost four years. Their incomes are then almost at the same level as those of the assets.
Device Growth
The growth of the system from year to year leads to a gradual decline in the age of end of activity of private doctors, which reached an average of 67 years in 2017. Nevertheless, the differences in age at the end of exercise are maintained between men and women, generalists and specialists.
“Many general practitioners maintain their activity because they have difficulty finding a replacement or a successor for the liberal doctors”, also believes Dr. Henri Romeu, honorary president of FARA, still in The end of activity occurs later for specialists in areas where many of them work, as well as for generalists in sparsely populated areas. Paris stands out from the other regions, with doctors extending their activity much longer there than elsewhere.