Sony has announced when the new PlayStation Plus will be launched.
In fact, PlayStation Plus has been basically the same since the service’s launch. You get access to the online multiplayer services of PlayStation. Second, you get access to one or more free games every month. And on top of that, you can enjoy discounts in the PlayStation Store.
That will soon change. Sony previously announced that PlayStation Plus is going to be overhauled. It was not yet known when the new PlayStation Plus would be launched exactly. We now have an answer to that, according to Sony on PlayStation Blog†
The updated PlayStation Plus will be live in Europe from June 22. Instead of one subscription, gamers can choose from multiple subscription types. Each subscription has its own benefits. There is also a different price tag.
It’s not just a system refresh. Sony is also using this innovation to merge the PlayStation Now streaming service with Plus into a single subscription. Below is an overview of all subscription types and the associated price tag. You can start using it from June 22.
- Plus Essential: two free game downloads per month, discount, cloud storage, access to online multiplayer – €8.99 per month
- Plus Extra: Everything from Essential, access to online game library with 400 PS4 and PS5 games – €13.99 per month
- Plus Premium: all of the above, access to library of PSP, PSX, PS2, and PS3 games, try new games