This is news that will undoubtedly give balm to the hearts of all medical students who fear they will not move on to the next year. Marisol Touraine, Minister of Social Affairs and Health, and Thierry Mandon, Secretary of State for Higher Education and Research, confirm the increase in the numerus clausus for access to the second year of medical studies . 478 new places announced in November will thus be opened for 2017 compared to 2016, bringing the number of students admitted to 8,124.
A regionalized numerus clausus
This measure will apply in particular to 26 faculties in mainland France and overseas, in the regions with the greatest deficit. Thus, Guyana and the Antilles, territories very poorly equipped with health professionals, will see their offer in the second year increase by 27%. This decision is part of the continuation of the process of regionalization of the numerus clausus, which began in 2012. 131 additional places were thus granted in 2015 in 10 territories in tension (Normandy, Hauts-de-France, Auvergne and Rhône-Alpes notably). The aim is to “strengthen the adequacy of the training offer for future doctors with the needs as assessed by the players in each territory. “, According to Marisol Touraine, for whom” the unequal distribution of doctors in rural and peri-urban areas is a real public health issue “.
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