France is a poor student when it comes to noise pollution. Indeed, the Hexagon comes third on the podium of the countries where the inhabitants of the big cities are the most exposed to noise, behind the United States and Italy. This is what emerges from a survey carried out in 11 European countries by Amplifon, a hearing solutions company.
Noise pollution is an invisible but large-scale scourge that affects city dwellers: 27% of inhabitants of large French cities are exposed to excessive noise pollution, the study points out.
Nationwide, 7% of French people are affected by excess noise.
In detail, the survey reports unsurprisingly that Paris is at the top of the list of the most polluted cities in terms of noise with 10% of Parisians exposed. Next come Marseille (8% of inhabitants overexposed to noise), then Lyon and Toulouse (3%).
An impact on health
Problem, these noise pollution have an impact on the health of those concerned. Irritability, nervousness, mood swings, insomnia and sleep disturbances are some of the disorders that too much noise can promote. Not to mention concentration problems and headaches.
In France, the study estimates that 33% of people suffer from mood disorders linked to this noise overdose (against 18% for people less exposed).
What noises are the most harmful in town? The study cites the hubbub from traffic (38% of noise pollution), but also conversations, public transport and background music.
>> To read also:A smartphone app to measure noise pollution
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And do you suffer from excess noise? Comment on the forum.