June 15, 2018.
According to the French Association of Thyroid Patients (AFMT), we find in the new formula of Levothyrox abnormalities which would explain the side effects of the drug.
A new formula with many anomalies
The new formula of Levothyrox, a drug prescribed for thyroid patients, continues to be talked about. Many patients have indeed indicated that since this new formula was marketed, they have experienced unwanted side effects such as fatigue, dizziness, headaches or even hair loss. But according to the AFMT, abnormalities in the composition would be responsible for these disorders.
The association has in fact ordered extensive analyzes of the composition of this new treatment from a foreign laboratory and the results have revealed that this formula contained less levothyroxine than current specifications. ” Cancer patients are under-dosed in thyroid hormones, we have consistently observed awakenings from dormant cancers for years », Explains the association.
The laboratory prefers to ignore these analyzes
We would also find in this new formula another molecule, dextrothyroxine, which is not indicated in its composition, and which could also explain the side effects experienced by patients. ” At this stage, our association does not claim, on a single study, to have indisputable ‘proof’, but of an important new fact. », Said the AFMT.
” Because if these results were confirmed, as one can think, they could constitute a rational explanation for this crisis, of still unknown origin. She added. But on his side, the Merck laboratory, which markets this treatment, did not want to take these analyzes into account recalling that ” numerous analyzes have already been carried out by competent authorities without identifying the slightest non-conformity of our product. ” To be continued…
Marine Rondot
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