The Constitutional Council considered that the neutral packages are in conformity with the constitution which protects fundamental freedoms in our country and the rights of individuals.
While the introduction of the neutral packet of cigarettes had been narrowly accepted at the end of November by the deputies of the National Assembly (with two votes), the Wise Men did not hesitate. In a decision published Thursday evening, the Constitutional Council considered that the introduction of neutral packages (for cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco) is in accordance with the constitution and the constitutionality bloc which protect fundamental freedoms in our country and the rights of individuals. Unlike third-party payment (partially censored), the other flagship measure of the law to modernize the health system will therefore see the light of day among French tobacconists, normally in May 2016.
On this point, it is therefore a victory for Marisol Touraine, Minister of Health, who had made it the cornerstone of his anti-smoking plan.
Associations against tobacco satisfied
“This decision goes directly against the assertions made by the tobacco lobby during the debates”, rejoices in a statement the National Committee Against Smoking (CNCT). “It helps protect public health and populations against the categorical, deadly and costly interests of the tobacco lobby,” he continues.
“For years, the CNCT has studied the legal feasibility of the neutral package measure and concluded that this provision with regard to public health issues is completely in accordance with our law. We must welcome this decision likely to support other countries, especially European countries, to also embark on this path ”, concludes Professor Yves Martinet, President of the CNCT.
An effective measure in smokers
On the side of scientific arguments, the effectiveness of neutral cigarette packets could be proven last year thanks to a survey conducted by the Institute for Sanitary Surveillance (InVS). For the first time, evidence of its effectiveness in smokers has been provided.
In this area, the model remains of course Australia, where the neutral package was introduced in 2012. There, the removal of a brand’s imagery (colors and logos) from the package would have increased the attention of adolescent occasional smokers to health messages. An influence that is nevertheless not perceptible in adolescents who smoke daily.
However, even among daily consumers, a change in behavior has been observed. “The consumption of cigarettes outside cafes, bars and restaurants has decreased, and fewer people conspicuously leave their packets lying around on tables”, explained researchers in the journal in February 2015. Addiction.
2,000 lives saved each year in England?
At the microphone of the BBC, Prof. Robert West, editor-in-chief ofAddiction, concluded: “All the studies show that the plain packet will lead to a reduction in cigarette consumption, there is no discordant sound. And even if that only prevented one in 20 young people from starting to smoke and had no impact on other smokers, it would still save 2,000 lives per year. [en Angleterre] “.