Study points to the dangers of over-the-counter sprays believed to cure nasal inflammation. According to the researchers, prolonged use of this product would produce exactly the opposite effect.
Do not abuse products to unclog your nose: you risk worsening the condition of your nostrils. A recent Belgian study carried out by the universities of Liège and Ghent confirms this.
7 days maximum
Carried out on more than 8000 customers questioned in 181 pharmacies in Belgium, the study identifies 891 patients suffering from nasal congestion. “Half of these people use nasal spray excessively. Either on average every day for a year while the use is limited to 7 days ”notes Dr Phillippe Gevaert, lead author of the study.
Vicious circle
Consequences of this excessive consumption: according to the researchers, it would block the nostrils even more, and would worsen the inflammation of the nose, called medicated rhinitis. “The nose then starts to run again and the patient continues to use the sprayer again. It’s a vicious circle, ”explains Dr Gevaert. However, there is another way to treat this rhinitis: treatment with corticosteroids, administered by the doctor.
“We need to regulate the purchase of nasal sprays in a smart way,” says Dr Gevaert. The latter therefore recommends that patients with nasal inflammation go through their GP’s office rather than opt for an over-the-counter spray. He also recommends banning advertising of these vaporizers.