Hypercholesterolemia, an excessively high rate of cholesterol in the blood, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Problem, some have this disorder without knowing it, due to lack of tracking. This is often the case when cholesterol is not related to a bad dietbut to one family provision. It is estimated that about one in 300 people are affected by this “hereditary” cholesterol phenomenon.
Identifying patients at risk of hypercholesterolemia is at the heart of the mission endorsed by Nantes researchers. For five years, eight research teams and around forty people from the Nantes University Hospital, Inserm, the University of Nantes and the CNRS will tackle the problem of cholesterol. © repetitive “. For this, they will study 4000 families genetically having extreme cholesterol levels (very high or very low).
An ambitious project supported financially
With this CHOPIN (CHOlesterol Personalized INnovation) project, Nantes researchers are embarking on an ambitious research program that could ultimately change the daily lives of people affected by this problem by facilitating their early detection.
The objective is well summed up by Nantes University. It is about “setting up a personalized management of hypercholesterolemia by identifying new markers of cardiovascular risk and new targets of the metabolism of LDL-cholesterol [le mauvais cholestérol] which plays a central role in the development and progression of cardiovascular disease “.
The stakes of this work are twofold: “to identify the patients most at risk of developing these pathologies and to offer them the best therapeutic strategies for the improvement of their prognosis and their quality. © of life “.
The CHOPIN project is supported by the government which has paid it 8.3 million euros as winner of the Hospital-University Health Research call for projects.
#CHOPINproject: promise of better care for patients with cholesterol & recognition of the excellence of Nantes research
– Johanna Rolland (@Johanna_Rolland) October 14, 2016
To read also: One in 5 French people has an excess of bad cholesterol
Cholesterol is said to be harmful to your fertility
Cholesterol: treatments that work