Cocoa, rich in flavonoids, would help reduce the physical and psychological fatigue suffered by the majority of people with multiple sclerosis.
According to a new try, cocoa helps reduce fatigue associated with multiple sclerosis (MS). Very disabling, physical and mental exhaustion affects nine patients out of ten. Cocoa is rich in flavonoids, substances with anti-inflammatory properties, present in many organisms such as plants, fruits and vegetables.
No treatment currently available
The causes of fatigue in people with multiple sclerosis are complex, including neural, inflammatory, metabolic and psychological factors. No currently available treatment offers long-term relief.
Previous research had already shown that dark chocolate improved the condition of people with chronic fatigue (ME). Here, scientists randomly assigned 40 people with multiple sclerosis to drink either a cup of high-flavonoid cocoa powder mixed with heated rice milk, or a low-flavonoid version, every day for six weeks.
“Using Dietary Approaches to Reduce Fatigue”
Fatigue and the rate at which it sets in were assessed before the start, mid-term and at the end of the experiment. Result: those who drank the high-flavonoid version reduced their fatigue by 45%, and improved their walking speed by 80%.
“Using dietary approaches to reduce fatigue in people with multiple sclerosis may be an easy, safe, and cost-effective way to impact patients’ quality of life and independence,” the researchers conclude. before recommending to do larger-scale studies on the subject.
An autoimmune disease that affects the entire nervous system
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects the entire central nervous system and most often appears around the age of 30. A dysfunction of the immune system leads to lesions which then cause motor, sensory and cognitive disturbances. In the more or less long term, these disorders sometimes progress to an irreversible handicap. 2.3 million people are affected by multiple sclerosis in the world.