Do tampons break the hymen? Can you get pregnant during your period? Is it dangerous to chain two packs of pills? We take stock.
For centuries, many cultures have thought that when menstruating, a woman is “impure”. In some countries, women are still banned from their homes the week of their period. One even died this week in a “menstruation shack” in Nepal – despite the practice being banned. Even if this is an extreme case, it is still urgent to restore some truths about menstruation.
“You can’t get pregnant while on your period”
Yes, it is possible to get pregnant during your period, especially if you have a small cycle (less than 28 days). Indeed, sperm can survive up to five days after intercourse. We can therefore consider that the risk is very low if your cycle is longer than 28 days. But if it is irregular, then it is better to beware, because everything depends on the time of ovulation. So we don’t take any risks!
“It is normal to have heavy or painful periods”
No, that’s not normal! A very heavy flow can be a sign of illness. Do not hesitate to consult if your losses seem excessive to you. A gynecologist will be able to easily identify a problem. As to painful periods, things have to be put back in place: no, it is not normal to suffer martyrdom. The rules indeed trigger uterine contractions, but if you are no longer able to get up during this period, you must consult! It could be a symptom of endometriosis.
“It is dangerous to chain two packs of pills”
This idea is very widespread, and yet recent research confirms that it is not dangerous to take two platelets in a row. In fact, these are not even no real rules that you have while taking hormonal contraception! The 7-day quit week was created to “imitate” periods and not for medical reasons, because when the pill was created, women didn’t find it natural not to have them anymore. These “false” periods therefore have no use, and besides, other means of contraception such as the hormonal IUD or the implant completely eliminate them. You can therefore skip your week of “false” periods without worries if it suits you – it will even reduce the risk of “accident”. This is also the case for other means of contraception such as the vaginal ring.
“Inserting a tampon can rupture the hymen”
First, some explanations about the hymen: it is a thin membrane located 1 centimeter from the entrance to the vagina. It partially bars the entrance, but is pierced in the center to allow the flow of menstrual blood. Logically, this natural breakthrough allows the insertion of a tampon. So no risk! Know that the hymen is in no way a proof of virginity as many believe: it can disappear during childhood by cycling, gymnastics or any other sport.
“Menstruation blood is not normal blood”
Period blood is the same blood that runs through your veins. If it sometimes seems darker (often at the end of menstruation) it is only because it took a long time to be evacuated and it oxidized.
“A tampon can get lost in the vagina”
And to go where? The average vagina measures 10 centimeters, and the cervix (above the vagina) is far too small for a tampon to fit through. No chance that it will disappear, therefore. But if you really can’t catch it anymore, you can go to your gynecologist to have it taken out. And don’t be ashamed, it won’t be the first time he’s seen this. If you procrastinate too long, you run the risk of having a toxic shock… So we don’t keep a tampon for more than 6 hours.