Complementary medicines are in vogue, more than 25 million French use them regularly.
But in a field where the offers are multiple, it is not easy to navigate and the information we get is not always serious or reassuring.
This is what prompted Solange Arnaud, a polytechnician who worked for 10 years in a large pharmaceutical laboratory, to found Medoucine.com so that everyone can benefit from recognized and effective practices in an ethical and reassuring framework.
What are the effective practices? What disciplines are suitable for my situation?
Medoucine.com has sorted it out and only lists disciplines that have brought together evidence of efficacy published in medical journals.
Osteopathy, hypnosis, traditional Chinese medicine, sophrology, naturopathy, yoga, meditation and massages and others are thus represented.
To help you choose among the practices, you will have access to hundreds of videos practitioners who decipher their discipline as well as a keyword search offering solutions adapted to each situation.
How do I find a trusted therapist?
In a very unregulated world where the worst meets the best, it is not easy to find a quality practitioner.
Medoucine.com wanted make word of mouth transparent and accessible to everyone, by constituting a selected network of trusted practitioners :
Recommended by their clients and colleagues whose opinions are available online, their training is verified and they undertake to respect a code of deontology well established.
Will this site interest you?
The site is intended for all those who wish use natural medicines to their full potential:
– You are looking for a practitioner and want to make sure you’re talking to someone serious, which you yourself will have chosen knowing its background.
– You prefer ” prevent than cure ” and want to be accompanied to really improve your health in the long term.
– You have recurring symptoms or problems against which you have (almost) tried everything and for which you are looking new solutions support.
Did you recognize yourself? Meeting on www.medoucine.com !