Too many requests for too few places in medical school. 600 places are lacking in Île-de-France. But the planned draw will ultimately not take place.
A draw to choose the doctors of tomorrow? It is an amazing solution to the overcrowding of medical schools. But it could be used for the first time to choose which baccalaureate holders will be able to integrate the first year, said on May 5. The world. The same day, the Secretary of State for Higher Education gave a categorical denial in Release.
A “very hard” selection
“There is no more stupid as a means of selection especially to access very selective courses”, slice Thierry Mandon, with the support of the Ministry of National Education. The Secretary of State undertakes to deploy all means so that a drawing of lots is not applied in the first year. And for good reason: the “very hard” selection takes place at the end of the year, he explains. The success rate in the competitive examinations is around 15% in the various faculties of Île-de-France.
If there is debate, it is good that, on paper, a drawing of lots is possible. Candidates for STAPs (Sciences and techniques of physical and sporting activities) regularly pay the price. But this solution had never yet been considered in the context of health studies.
A matter of numbers
At the origin of this outcry, a mathematical problem: in Île-de-France, the number of high school graduates who wish to enter the faculty of medicine is too high compared to the places available. According to the evening daily, 600 seats are missing.
Indeed, the rectorate of Paris has limited the capacity of the various establishments to 7,500 students. In 2015, 8,100 students were admitted to the Paces program. The problem could well reoccur at the start of the 2016 school year: some 8,000 senior high school students made this wish as the first choice. “More than 14,108 future baccalaureate holders have registered Paces in at least one of their wishes”, according to Jean-Luc DuboisRandé, director of the faculty of medicine of ParisEst-Créteil-Val-deMarne, interviewed by The world.
Increase the numerus clausus?
Student associations have, unsurprisingly, expressed their anger, and underlined the growing congestion of establishments in Île-de-France. The high school union FIDL denounced him a method which “draws the future of high school students” in a context of shortage of doctors. It offers two solutions: increasing the numerus clausus resolve the mathematical question; an increase in the resources allocated to universities will allow better supervision of first-year students.
Among the avenues considered, the White Paper of the Council of the Order of Physicians also proposed, last January, that students be preselected as soon as they enter Paces.