October 26, 2017.
According to information from our colleagues from Chained Duck, meat from cows with tuberculosis would end up on our plates. A new health scandal in perspective?
Contaminated meat in our supermarkets
This is information that may disgust more than one: we can find sick cow meat on our plates. In any case, this is what our colleagues from the Chained Duck. According to their information, more than 8,000 cows infected with bovine tuberculosis end up in trays on supermarket shelves every year. A practice that would be known to health authorities.
But maybe eating contaminated meat is no problem for humans? According to the satirical weekly, nothing is less true: one would indeed count each year around fifty cases of transmission of the disease to humans ” especially among farmers, veterinarians and raw milk lovers in contact with livestock “. The situation is therefore truly worrying.
A completely legal practice
The tragedy in this case is that the law is on the side of the breeders who sell this contaminated meat. According to European Union Directive 854/2004, the meat of an infected animal ” must be declared unfit for human consumption “, Except when the” tuberculous lesion has been found in the lymph nodes of a single organ or part of the carcass », Explains the European legislator.
And to add: ” Only the infected organ or part of the carcass must be declared unfit for consumption. “. You can therefore legally buy meat from a sick animal. Always, according to the Duck, “ almost all cattle executed for tuberculosis are, in fact, beef breeds “. This concerns our animals, but also those from the United Kingdom. Cheerful.
Marine Rondot
Read also The 10 biggest scandals in modern medicine